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Váš bezplatný certifikát SSL názvu hostitele podepsaný cPanelem

Problém: cPanel vydal bezplatný certifikát SSL pro název hostitele vašeho serveru.
Stav: SSL bude dnes automaticky nainstalováno.
Kdo je ovlivněn? Zákazníci s plánem VPS/Dedicated hosting.
You may have received an email from the cPanel team with a subject heading that follows: <em>Your Free cPanel-signed Hostname SSL Certificate</em>. Read further to learn about what this email means and how it affects you. </p> <h2>   What Does This Mean? </h2> <p>   cPanel has issued a free SSL meant to provide certification for the default hostname of your server. This means you and your child cPanel account users will no longer see the <a href="/support/website/ssl/self-signed-ssl-certificate-warning/">"Self-signed" SSL browser warning</a> when visiting cPanel or WHM. This is a convenient feature expected to eliminate confusion. </p> <p>   Here in the Support Center, you can <a href="/support/website/ssl/what-is-ssl-and-why-is-it-important/">learn more about SSL and why it is important</a>. </p> <h2>   What Do I Need to Do? </h2> <p>   No action is required on the part of any customers. This change will be applied automatically after receipt of the email notification. Quoted from the email: "Your free certificate will renew automatically, less than one week before its expiration date, at no cost to you." </p> <p>   If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment below. 

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