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Obnova dat z náhodně smazaných souborů nebo havarovaných disků v Redhat, CentOS a Fedora Linux

Verze 2.0
Autor:Srijan Kishore 

Tento tutoriál vám pomůže obnovit data z náhodně smazaných dat ze souborových systémů Linux. Toto je velmi drastická chyba každého uživatele/administrátora, která stojí obrovské sankce. Tento skript bude přínosem pro nováčky/odborníky na správu dat. Budu používat TestDisk pro obnovu dat. Zde jsem úlohu zjednodušil pomocí skriptu.

1. Pozadí

TestDisk je výkonný bezplatný software pro obnovu dat. Předpokládejme, že máte disk ext3/ext4, který se zhroutil/smazal pomocí rm -rf nebo shift+delete stejně jako příkazy můžete pomocí TestDisk obnovit data/soubor.
TestDisk lze použít k
  • Opravit tabulku oddílů
  • Obnovte soubory z oddílů FAT, exFAT, NTFS a ext2/ext3/ext4

Kromě těchto funkcí má TesdDisk několik funkcí pro údržbu/správu dat

2. Požadavek

Používám CentOS, na který budu instalovat TestDisk a implementovat skript pro obnovu dat na havarovaném disku. Tento skript funguje dobře s CentOS/Fedora/Redhat. I když se stane, že některý z pevných disků bude smazán, stačí připojit pevný disk k počítači CentOS a spustit skript pro obnovu dat.

3. Skript

######                                                                                          #######
######                                                                                          #######
######                 This script will help you to recover the accidentally                    #######
######                     deleted data from crashed linux file systems                         #######
######                                     Version-2                                            #######
######                          Script created by (Srijan Kishore)                              #######
######                                                                                          #######
######                                                                                          #######

# User Check

if [ "$USER" = 'root' ]

whiptail --title "User check" --msgbox "User is root, you can execute the script successfully." 8 78
        echo "User is root, you can execute the script successfully"
whiptail --title "User check" --msgbox "User is not Root. Please run the script as root user." 8 78

        echo "User is not Root. Please run the script as root user."
        exit 1

# Check your operating system

cat /etc/redhat-release >> /dev/null 
if [ "$?" = 0 ]

whiptail --title "Your OS" --msgbox "You are using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora" 8 78
echo "You are using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora"


whiptail --title "Your OS" --msgbox "You are not using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora.You can download the TestDisk from this link" 8 78

    echo "You are not using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora.You can download the TestDisk from this link"
    exit 1        

#adding repo
ver=`cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d " " -f3 | cut -d "." -f1`
ls -l /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge*

if [ "$?" != 0 ]
    whiptail --title "Repository requirement" --msgbox "You need to add rpmforge repository to install testdisk" 8 78
        if [[ `uname -i` = 'i386' && $ver = 6 ]]
            echo "you are running i386 with 6 version"
            yum install -y

        if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 6 ]]
            echo "you are running i386 with 6 version"
            yum install -y

        if [[ `uname -i` = 'i386' && $ver = 5 ]]
            echo "you are running i386 with 5 version"
            yum install -y

        if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 5 ]]
            echo "you are running x86_64 with 5 version"
            yum install -y

        if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 4 ]]
            echo "you are running i386 with 4 version"
            yum install -y

        if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 4 ]]
            echo "you are running x86_64 with 4 version"
            yum install -y
whiptail --title "Repository requirement" --msgbox "You already have TestDisk repos configured" 8 78
echo "You already have TestDisk repos configured"

# TestDisk installation
testdisk --version >> /dev/null
if [ "$?" = 0 ]
    whiptail --title "Info" --msgbox "Testdisk already installed" 8 78
    echo "Testdisk already installed"
    whiptail --title "Info" --msgbox "Testdisk not installed, installing Testdisk" 8 78
        echo "Testdisk not installed, installing Testdisk"

    yum install -y testdisk

#Recovery part of deleted files

ls -l /root/result/lostfiles
if [ $? != 0 ]
    mkdir -p /root/result/lostfiles
    whiptail --title "Data recovery" --msgbox "You are proceeding towards recovering the data from the lost drive. Please select the affected drive to get the data recovered" 8 78
    photorec /d /root/result/lostfiles

    whiptail --title "Folder Exists" --msgbox "There is already an existing folder viz /root/result/lostfiles, you are adviced to rename/remove the folder to allow the data recovery process" 8 78        
exit 2

#File filtering
user=`ps aux | grep gnome-session | grep -v grep | head -1 | cut -d " " -f1`
mkdir "/home/recovered_output"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Debians"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/rpms"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/conf_files"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/exe"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/binaries"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Docs"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Pdfs"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Mbox"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Images"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Videos"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Sound"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/ISO"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Excel"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Presentation"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Archives"
mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Others"

#Sorting the Recovered data

find /root/result/ -name "*.doc"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Docs/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.docx"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Docs/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.odt"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Docs/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.pdf"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Pdfs/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.mbox"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Mbox/"  \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.png"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.jpg"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.jpeg"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.gif"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.avi"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.mpeg"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.mp4"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.mkv"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.webm"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.wmv"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.flv"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.mp3"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Sound/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.wav"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Sound/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.deb"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Debians/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.bin"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/binaries/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.exe"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/exe/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.rpm"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/rpms/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.conf"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/conf_files" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.iso"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/ISO/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.xls"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.xlsx"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.csv"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.ods"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.ppt"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Presentation/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.pptx"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Presentation/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.odp"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Presentation/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.html"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.htm"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.jsp"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.xml"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.css"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.js"     -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.zip"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.tar"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.rar"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.gzip"   -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.tar.gz" -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.7z"     -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.bz"     -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.bz2"    -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives" \;
find /root/result/ -name "*.*"      -type f  -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Others/" \;

whiptail --title "Congratulations" --msgbox "You have successfully recovered your data in folder /home/recovered_output cheers :)" 8 78
echo "You have successfully recovered your data in folder /home/recovered_output cheers :)"
exit 0

4. Spuštění skriptu

Jednoduše zkopírujte výše uvedený skript a vložte jej do souboru viz. a udělte skriptu oprávnění ke spuštění.

chmod +x

Poznámka:Spusťte skript s rootem pomocí příkazu

su -                                        #### Zadejte heslo uživatele root##########

Spusťte skript a povede vás dále.


5. Finalizace

Nejprve skript potvrdí, že uživatel spouštějící skript je root, poté zkontroluje instalaci nástroje TestDisk, který obsahuje automatické přidávání úložiště. Přesměruje vás na stránku pro výběr disku pro obnovu dat.

Zkontroluje váš operační systém.

Skript automaticky ověří a přidá požadované úložiště pro TestDisk.

Skript zkontroluje instalaci pro TestDisk.

Vyberte jednotku, kterou chcete obnovit.

Po dokončení procesu ukončete na obrazovce.

Na zdraví, že jste obnovili svá data.

Cent OS
  1. Jak nainstalovat Go ve Fedoře a Rocky Linux/Centos/RHEL

  2. Jak nainstalovat a používat Podman v Rocky Linux/Alma Linux/Centos 8

  3. Jak obnovit smazané soubory v systému Linux pomocí nástroje pro obnovu dat Scalpel?

  1. Jak zabránit náhodnému smazání souboru a zotavit se z něj v Linuxu

  2. Jak se obnovit ze smazaného kořenového záznamu v souborech /etc/shadow a/nebo /etc/passwd v CentOS / RHEL 6

  3. vyhledejte číslo WWN karty HBA v Redhat Linux a CentOS

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  2. Jak nastavit VNC Server (Linux Remote Desktop Access) na CentOS/RHEL a Fedoře

  3. Jak vytvořit uživatele Sudo na Rocky Linux a CentOS